Denby Dale Commemorative Plate

Denby Dale Pie Plate art

Whoever would have thought that a Denby Dale commemorative plate from nearly 100 years ago would have a role, albeit a minor one in helping us through these troublesome pandemic days? 

But it did.   Kathy Howard’s initial thoughts at lockdown number one were ‘What can I do that is positive both for the community and myself?’.

Using the Denby Dale Huddersfield Royal Infirmary plate of 1928 as her inspiration, Kathy used her practical skills to make a wooden replica plaque, painted in original colours to boot. 

But significantly her 21st century creation bears a message of hope ‘when this is over, let’s eat pie’ coupled with the reminder ‘stay at home, protect the NHS, nurture communities, save lives’. 

In no time at all Kathy’s plaque was on its travels, to the Denby Dale Pie Hall to be united with a ‘big brother’ in the shape of one of the original pie dishes and surrounded by a floral feast of lavender. 

Denby Dale Pie Plate next to framed image

Enter fellow Denby Daler Louise Studd who considered the scene worthy of inclusion in Denby Dale Gossips Facebook page, and at that stage a polite enquiry as to the identity of the plaque creator. 

Of course, Kathy owned up and many other people responded with their contribution of painted stones which has made this corner of Denby Dale a real ray of sunshine in these dark days.

Furthermore, as owner of ‘Old Dairy Creatives’ bespoke picture framing service, Louise was able to use her Facebook picture to raise money for ‘Reuben’s Retreat’ charity, with a limited edition of fifty framed prints.   Talk about a community effort snowballing! 

And Denby Dale efforts have been recognised further afield.  On Instagram Kathy spotted Stanford University’s appeal for artists to submit their work exploring the pandemic, and now her plaque has taken its place on the universities online exhibition. 

A small number of the framed limited edition prints of Kathy’s plaque are still available, £30 each from Old Dairy Creatives: 07793 130031 / 

£10 from each sale will be donated to ‘Reubens Retreat’, a charity supporting families bereaved of a child and for children with life limiting or threatening conditions and their parents and siblings.