Rest and Play in HD8 area

Whether you live here or you just visit the HD8 postcode area of Huddersfield, our online services is here to help you.

If you’re new to the area or simply want to explore new activities and services, our Directory is the place to look for everything from choirs to chocolate and from restaurants to riding schools!

We aim to do this through our –

Online directory of organisations in and around the area

If there is a business or service you are looking for, then our local business directory should be your first point of call. 

Instead of searching the world wide web, our personally curated and local directory **now with new search functionalities**, helps you to find what you are looking for whilst supporting your local community and economy.

Free events calendar

Whether you are looking to meet new people, get out more or try something new, our free events calendar is the perfect place to find out what is going on.

For an exercise class or a crafting session.  A mother or baby group or somewhere to take the parents out for dinner. 

Our free online events calendar aims to give you a selection of options, **now with new search functionalities** with contact details and links to the event organisers.

If you are helping to run, or would like to set up your own event, it is really straight forward and easy to do, best of all, it is free! Add your event here.

What’s going on News section

Get a flavour of the what’s going on in the HD8 area.  Our News Section has all the latest updates on the activities and insight of the people that makeup our community.

The HD8 Network News section offers space to local organisations and events to tell us their good news stories along with tips, advice and offers. We also like to highlight upcoming events and offers so you can plan ahead and get the best from the area, whether you Work, Rest or Play here.

Range of Social Media communities, including Facebook Groups

social media

Being a platform for communication and bringing people together, we use social media to unite people with shared interests and hobbies.

We have a range of topic specific Facebook Groups, where you can meet with likeminded people in the area.

We also share interesting posts and stories on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin, which you might enjoy. Look out for #HD8network #HD8member and #HD8view.

Regular email updates

If you would like to be kept up to date about the events and organisations in the area, as well as information about the HD8 Network, our Meet Ups and other activities, by email, then please subscribe to our mailing list.

We aim to be the place to turn to whether you work, rest or play in the HD8 area of Huddersfield.

Do you Work in the HD8 area?